hello, this is my profile.
So lemme introduce a bit about myself here, I'm a weird nerdy girl (or so the others said) who simply love going to school.
I mean, school is such an interesting place, why wouldn't anyone love going to school? :D
There are kind teachers, and my favourite of all time, HOMEWORK!
Wow, homeworks totally rock my socks off! Man, they are like the best things in the whole wide world!
Plus, they are my BFFs ♥!
My hobby? Of course it's doing homework! Gimme more of them, pleeeeeeease! :D homeworkhomeworkhomeworkhomeworkhomework
PORTLAND, Maine - Shiloh Pepin, a girl who was born with fused legs, a rare condition often called "mermaid syndrome," and gained a wide following on the Internet and U.S. television, has died. She was 10.
Doctors had predicted she would at most only survive for days after her birth. The girl died at Maine Medical Center on Friday afternoon, hospital spokesman John Lamb said. She had been hospitalized in critical condition for nearly a week.
Being born with "mermaid syndrome," also known as sirenomelia, meant that the Kennebunkport girl had only one partially working kidney, no lower colon or genital organs and legs fused from the waist down.
Some children who have survived sirenomelia have had surgery to separate their legs, but Shiloh did not because blood vessels crossing from side to side in her circulatory system would have been severed. She had received two kidney transplants, the last one in 2007.
Her story was featured recently on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and other national television programs.
Earlier this month, her mother, Leslie Pepin, said her daughter came down with a cold that quickly turned to pneumonia. Shiloh was rushed to Maine Medical Center on Oct. 10 and was placed on antibiotics and a ventilator.
For a while, Leslie Pepin said, things were looking up. "She's a tough little thing," she said of her daughter earlier this week.
Shiloh was a fifth-grader at Kennebunkport Consolidated School. "She was such a shining personality in that building," said Maureen King, chairwoman of the board of the regional school district. Counselors will be available next week to talk to students.
Through the television shows, news articles, Facebook and other Web sites, Shiloh inspired many.
"I live in Iowa. I have cerebral palsy. I love your video," 12-year-old Lydia Dawley wrote to Shiloh on Facebook. "You have a great personality I wish you lived close so we could be friends and hang out. You opened my eyes because you are so brave."
Gregory Rec / Portland Press Herald
Shiloh Pepin sits on a counter in the family's Kennebunkport, Maine home in 2007. Pepin, who was born with fused legs, a rare condition often called "mermaid syndrome," died Friday, Oct. 23, 2009.
sudah sembuhkah saya? belum begitu. besok masuk sekolah? hmm antara pengen iya dan tidak. loh, kog gitu? iyah, abis saya malas ikut ulangan matematika tentang lingkaran. oh, susah ya? menurut lo aje.
ya, gue stres. gue gag bisa lingkaran. gag masuk 2 hari membuat gue gag bisa apa-apa tentang lingkaran. rumus yang diapalin tuh bukan πr² , this chapter is much more complicated. sampe ada koordinatnya segala. dan materi ini udah 6 tahun di her. i repeat, 6 TAHUN DI HER SAUDARA-SAUDARA. sucitro, kakak kelas gue yang menang medali emas OSN matematika aja ulangan yang lingkaran ini, dapet 40. gue ulangi, DAPET 40 ! kalo anak OSN aja dapet 40, apa kabarnya gue? bisa dapet 10 kali ya?
kemaren, gue ke mal. my parents left me. they and my brother went to Bogor, without me karena gue harus ngeles matematika. ujung-ujungnya gue tetep gag bisa. tau begitu, gue pergi aja ya ke Bogor? anyway, gue berpikir gue udah sembuh. so, gue beranikan diri untuk berjalan normal. ternyata, perut gue sakit. akhirnya, gue memutuskan untuk berjalan pelan-pelan. baru jalan 1 jam - or more - perut gue udah sakit. kuat jalan, tapi gag kuat nahannya. my friends insisted me to sit down for a while but i didn't want to. i don't want them wait for me. kalo bisa duduk sambil jalan, kenapa gag? maka dari itu, Teres dan Kencur ngambilin gue kursi roda. tadinya gue mau ikut kesana, tapi mereka bilang, 'gag! lu tunggu di sini, jangan kemana-mana.' ya gue nurut aja.
hmm .. sekitar 1 jam, gue kemana-mana pake kursi roda. this is my first time hehe. i thought it was gonna be fun, but not really. kalo lu pake kursi roda, lu merasa rendah, karena lu duduk gitu kan. dan sambil jalan-jalan. aneh kalo kata gue. jadi untuk teman-teman, bersyukurlah kalian karena masih punya 2 kaki yang masih berfungsi dengan baik.
i just wanna say, thank you my besties (yang kemaren ke mal bareng gue :D ). kalian benar-benar memikirkan keadaan gue. you guys really do care about me. i HEART you all :D
the reason why it's a bad day today : - gue menderita sakit perut yang luar binasa sakitnya. - ternyata, gue divonis mengidap infeksi lambung. untuk sekarang. - gara-gara infeksi lambung, gue gag bisa jalan. bisa sih, tapi gag boleh lama-lama. - gue udah gag masuk sekolah 2 hari. - gue gag ikut ulangan Kimia. - gue cuma boleh makan bubur dan makanan yang halus lainnya. gag boleh makan pedes, santen, dan pantangan lainnya. - my parents left me & my brother. they went to Mangga Dua. padahal ada banyak banget yang mau gue beli.
oh ya, adek gue juga sakit. what a coincidence. and what a perfect day :'(
gue baru aja buka Youtube. emang jarang-jarang banget nih gue buka beginian. abis gue bingung gag tau mau browsing video apa. daripada gue buka video porno (wah .. ketauan). dan gue ketemu 3 video ajib.
1. Maliq & d'Essentials - Coba Katakan
2. RAN - Jadi Gila
3. John Mayer - Who Says
MV-nya Maliq, God .. itu bagus sekali. gue suka padang ilalang begitu. walaupun gue belom pernah maen ke padang ilalang. maybe someday, gue bisa maen di sana, trus foto-foto kamera SLR (amin gue dibeliin AMIN !) bersama my-future-husband (uhuy!) hehe.
MV-nya RAN, hmm .. bagus sih. tapi entah kenapa, mukanya Nino diawal-awal tuh mesum dan mupeng abis hehe.
MV-nya John Mayer, yup. he's adorable as well. he's goddamn hot ! ooh i heart him much. dan dia syuting d New York, favorite place of mine ever.
gila, temen-temen gue pada kaget (dan kagum. mereka bilang aku cantik hehe. beneran deh gue gag boong) semua ngeliat gue pake dress dan heels. dan make up. yaa wong gue tomboy gitu. tapi, sekarang udah berkurang kog. gue udah mulai tertarik dengan dunia fashion dan dengan rok juga. padahal dulu gue anti banget pake rok. and this is the first time gue pake heels! how does it feel? painful. gue selalu mencari tempet duduk. pegel banget bo !
the party started from 8 p.m. i guess. gue gag pake jam tangan saat itu hehe. the party was up the hook.
the party was awesome. gile bener-bener rame dan wow. gag bener-bener rame sih. cuma asyik aja gitu suasananya. dan .. Marsha ngundang Maliq & d'Essentials ! gokil banget man !
that night, gue ada di depan panggung, sama Steffi, Roan, dan Thea. kita nyanyi sekenceng-kencengnya, karena kita freak banget sama merekaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! pas lagi nyanyi The One, si Angga (the male vocalist) nyodorin mic-nya ke gua ! gila bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. happy abis gue. i wish i could turn back time, to Marsha's birthday bash :') . ternyata, maenin lagu mereka tuh ampuh banget buat mancing hoki bisa ketemu mereka hehe. gue bantuin Roan juga buat fotoin mereka. one of them is this.
Dries van Noten, a designer from Belgium used our superb batik for his spring-2010-ready-to wear collection. kewl ! i knew this from Sitta Karina's twitter (click here to follow her). here some photos from Noten's collection.
yesterday night, i was googling for Anita Roddick, the founder of The Body Shop. i wanna be like her, you know, combining chemistry's materials and become a body lotion or something like that. but still, using natural ingredients and eco-friendly packages. she went to Bath Spa University in Bath, England. but i don't know what she took for her degree. oh by the way, for take a course there, it needs a lot of money. about IDR 950 millions for 3 years. then, Diet and Health degree got my attention. and also for Human Nutrition and Food Nutrition. i was confused to choose what's best for me from these degrees, so i started to ask the council and Lecturer Iain replied my email. he said : "The Food with Nutrition course primarily focuses on giving students an understanding of the food industry, focusing on issues of food safety, food quality, packaging and processing. Alongside this are modules in nutrition. This award has the most flexibility in terms of module choice of the three programmes.
The Diet and Health programme covers human nutrition, health studies and public health, with a few modules giving you an overview of the food industry, food safety and quality. The health studies modules in the programme look at health from a sociological perspective to understand, for example, how we measure health and to see how health promotion messages can be delivered.
The two programmes mentioned above do not require any qualifications in science based subjects in order to apply. All the scientific principles you will need are introduced in the first year.
For our third programme, Human Nutrition, qualifications in science are required. This programme again focuses on human nutrition, but goes into more detail about biochemistry, human biology and nutritional science than the Diet and Health programme.
The Food with Nutrition programme is best suited for graduates who wish to work within the food industry, for example as quality assurance managers or in product development, or enter teaching. Diet and Health graduates tend to work in community nutrition or health promotion, while Human Nutrition graduates, who would have a greater scientific knowledge of human nutrition, would be able to apply for higher level jobs or nutrition jobs that are nearer to clinical nutrition."
i consider for Food Nutrition or Diet and Health degree. i still confused. the future is really in my hand.
a few minutes ago, which means it was October 2, it was a Batik Day. UNESCO officially announced on September 28 that Batik become one of Indonesian heritages, after Malaysia did claim this. yesterday morning, me and all the resident of my school went to school, wearing batik for the top and skirt school uniform. so sorry, i forgot to take a picture of mine wearing batik for school yesterday. the fun fact about this thing is no one wears the same batik. it proves that Indonesian Batik is so one of a kind. there are lots of Batik's patterns, maybe about a million patterns. it's very cool, right? we, who are Indonesians, have to be proud of our superb cultures and heritages. and we have to conserve our heritage to our generation, so that our superb heritage won't die. it's not about what country has given to you,it's about what we has given to our country. give the best for our country (:
lately, i've been surfing the net, looking for good and cheap fashion stuffs. i got some.